Master the New World of Work (Virtual)

Power Skills

Managing today’s projects demand a broad set of skills and capabilities.  As project professionals prepare for a future that is coming faster than ever, we need to ensure that that we’re using our power skills to support the changing way that we work. 

Join Pittsburgh PMI in April when we welcome Sandra Lane to discuss Mastering the New World of Work.  Sandra will share tips to help us navigate our profession’s ever-evolving landscape with confidence.

Remote / hybrid work is here to stay – are you ready? The challenges of hybrid work rely heavily on organizational systems and managers who embrace and adapt to change.  In her presentation, Sandra will highlight the challenges that arise in the ‘work from home’ environment and how to overcome them.  She will do a deep dive into how to create your best workspace, manage interruptions, foster positive habits (even when no one is looking), and keep your work-life integration in check while continuing to maximize productivity.


Speaker Info


Sandra Lane is a speaker, author and professional organizer. Her Amazon best-selling book;  Ask the Organizer, answers your organizing and productivity questions with easy solutions for positive change.

Her career began in sales, in New York City where she learned the importance of building relationships and her secret super power... parallel parking.

She has appeared on the TEDx stage with her talk, The Real Cost of Clutter.

As a Board-Certified Professional Organizer, CPO® and Productivity Specialist, Sandra is passionate about sharing her message of success through simplicity.

She founded her company, Organization Lane in 2010 and has helped countless clients find clarity in the chaos and establish a healthy integration of work and life. She has served as a 3 term President of the Pittsburgh Chapter of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals and is an active member of the National Speakers Association.

Now, using her 30 + years of expertise in productivity and organization she is privileged to speak, write and consult with teams across the globe.

Learn more by visiting:

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Type of category: Chapter Meeting Presentations

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: April 13th, 2023

Hour: 6:45PM to 8:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1


Students: $5.00

Members: $5.00

Non members: $10.00
