This one-day workshop is part of the Org Change Leadership Certification program.

According to the Gallup engagement study – nearly 70% of employees suffer from work place disengagement- a true epidemic! Disengagement hits the bottom line, it inflicts pain and unhappiness, reduces profit per share, and leads to high turnover

On the other hand, successful organizations adopt a fresh paradigm of horizontal influencing. Presently, these horizontal influencing structures manifest themselves in lean agile approachesHorizontal influencing radically changes the way people interact creating engaged communities.

The know how to horizontal influencing includes a set of skills fundamental to building Dyad and Triad relationships; creating a true win-win environment at the individual, team and organizational level. Through this prism, Influence is communication at a deep level, where we relate to each other compassionately and look actively for commonalities and shared goals.

Experience how to create engaged communities together, through building Horizontal influencing.

We’ll discover:

  • Influencing patterns by exploring relevant best practice protocols
  • Collaborative community engagement building approaches through recreating and re-running real interpersonal situations
  • Specific behavioral patterns relate to them and learn how to influence without authority.

Our model of the 4 components to Influence without Authority:(Based on OODA loop framework, developed by John Boyd)

  • Situation (Observe)
  • Perception (Orient)
  • Decision (Decide)
  • Strategy (Act)

 Each component is presented, discussed and synthesized through a hands-on pair or team activity.

Workshop objectives:

  • Learn best practices for leading and influencing without authority;
  • Identify skills you need to create Horizontal Influencing;
  • Explore the persuading and influencing scale;
  • Practice energy/style/behaviors of influencing – push, pull and reduce;
  • Learn the power levers of influencing; 
  • Experiment with the formula to saying NO!;

Based on Michael’s bestseller : Project Influence and Leadership: Building Rapport in Teams and Six Secrets of Powerful Teams

Who should attend?

  1. Engineers and developer, architects and business analysts, required to persuade others in teams and in business;
  2. Project, Program and portfolio managers who need to gain support from business and development;
  3. Product owners, Scrum masters and teams looking to further their ideas in a collaborative environment;
  4. Generally – those wishing to learn how to perform their job better by enlisting the support of others

What do participants receive? 

  1. Course slides handout - printed
  2. Best practices to influence without authority
  3. Pair interaction practices to impact influencing styles
  4. FREE downloadable PDF of influencing styles
  5. How to Influence a Polar bear – Radical influencing one page summary downloadable PDF

About the trainer 

For over 20 years, my personal transformation journey as a consultant and later as a leadership agile coach taught me to look for patterns in organizations.  I have recognized recurring behaviors that plague unsuccessful disengaged organizations. The overarching problem is the traditional approach to organizational power/influence which I named vertical influencingUnsuccessful organizations suffer from high employee disengagement since they adopt vertical influence patterns. This is true in for profit, government and non-profit organizations as well.

Michael Nir (



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Type of category: Certification

Date: September 13th, 2019

Hour: 8:00AM to 4:00PM

Number of PDUs: 0


Members: $435.00

Non members: $485.00


Engineering Society of Western Pennsylvania (ESWP)

337 4th Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA, 15222