Topic: Release Planning in an Agile Scrum Environment

There is no project planning in Scrum as defined by its originators.  Attend this talk to see how Edwin guides his Scrum Agile teams through the process of accurate release planning in the often difficult world of building software.


  Edwin Wiancko PMI-ACP, A-CSM, AIS, ASE - Scrum Master at UPMC Enterprises

Edwin is an Agile practitioner and QA leader in the Pittsburgh community.  His career in software development started the early 90’s while finishing his Computer Science degree at the University of Pittsburgh.  Ed holds the Project Management Institute’s “Agile Certified Practitioner” and Scrum Alliance’s “Certified ScrumMaster” certifications among others.  He is active in the local Agile and QA communities and has presented several times with PghQA and at Pittsburgh TechFest.  Ed is also an avid skydiver with more than 1,000 jumps.  When he’s not discussing QA, Agile, or jumping out of planes, he can often be found with his lovely wife performing music in local coffee shops.

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Type of category: Meeting

Date: October 10th, 2019

Hour: 5:15PM to 6:15PM

Number of PDUs: 0


Members: Free

Non members: Free


ESWP Third floor

337 4th Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA, 15222