Join PMI Pittsburgh’s Women in Projects group for our first event – Book Club and Beyond: a discussion about Lean In and how to utilize Lean In Circles.

Let’s meet on February 7 for an evening focusing on the book, Lean in, by Sheryl Sandberg. Before you say, “But, I don’t have time to read a book”….here’s a little secret about book clubs: it is OK to attend a book club without reading the book!  You can read a plot summary online, watch a Ted Talk, or just attend with no preparation.  How often do we hear “no preparation needed” as project managers?

Our evening will begin with a discussion of the book itself, utilizing discussion questions as our guide.

Next, we will focus on how to utilize Lean In Circles to learn new skills and to support each other as we build our careers. The “circle” concept may be new to you, so read below to learn more about Lean In Circles.

Please join us at 6 PM at BNY Mellon, Grant Street, Downtown Pittsburgh. Space is limited, so sign up early. An RSVP is required by February 6 due to building security. The exact location will be provided with your RSVP confirmation. We anticipate the evening to end by 7:30 PM. Thank you to BNY Mellon for providing meeting space.

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About Lean In Circles

A Lean In Circle is a small group of (usually) 8–12 women and men who meet regularly to support one another and learn new skills. It’s a place where women can be unapologetically ambitious. We know Circles are making a difference: 85% of members credit their Circle with a positive change in their life, and almost two-thirds of women in Circles have taken on a new challenge.

Here's how Circles work:  

  • Members meet about once a month to support each other and learn new skills.  
  • Circles can meet anywhere: over coffee at home, in a lunch series at work, or in a virtual meet-up with people who share similar interests.
  • Circles have full access to Lean In’s library of monthly meeting guides and other resources.    

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Uncategorized

Date: February 7th, 2019

Hour: 6:00PM to 7:30PM

Number of PDUs: 0


Members: Free

Non members: Free


BNY Mellon

Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA, 15222